Monday, October 31, 2022

Photography I Project 3: Part 2

 This post shows my top four submissions for Photography Techniques I Project 3: Part 2

Taken on a Sony a6000

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Photography I Project 3: Part 1

This post shows my top four submissions for Photography Techniques I Project 3: Part 1.

Model: Lev Margolies

Taken with a Sony a6000

Photography I Project 2

 This post shows my top four submissions for Photography Techniques I Project 2:

First Presbyterian

Taken with a Sony a6000

Sacred Heart

Taken with a Sony a6000

McDonald's - Twilight

Taken with a Sony a6000

Sacred Heart - Twilight

Taken with a Sony a6000

The Courthouse

Taken with a Promaster 2500PK Super

The Capitol

Taken with a Promaster 2500PK Super

Photography I Top 3 Photographs

 These selections are my top 3 photographs taken throughout the semester. Selection #1 Taken on Sony a6000 Selection #2 taken on Sony a6000 ...