Friday, November 18, 2022

Photography I Project 4

 This post is my submission for Photography Techniques I, Project 4. All photos were taken with a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra.

The People of Babel: A Series on Space

Genesis 11 tells the story of civilization and their refuted attempts to construct the tallest tower in the world. God spoke against their actions, so much so that she confused their language and forced them to disperse so that humans may never attempt such a defying action again. And yet, some thousands of years (or millions, but who’s counting?) later, humans continue to be obsessed with constructing pieces of architecture larger than life to please an entity that doesn’t verifiably exist and didn’t want us to build such shrines for her in the first place.

Human history is riddled with the motivation to build larger and grander so that their god might show them some ounce of mercy on this merciless planet. The cost of such projects has been human lives through war, slavery, and inequality – none of which this loving God promotes. The space these structures take up is like that of Babel. The civilization that God divided is now more united than ever. The single tower that God stopped is now millions upon millions of structures dedicated to her. While these structures provide some civilians a sense of peace and love, it has provided much more of a sense of trauma, disbelief, and hatred.

But the people of Babel don’t care. They have their space. They have their shrines. They have everything. Is this what God wants?

Photography I Top 3 Photographs

 These selections are my top 3 photographs taken throughout the semester. Selection #1 Taken on Sony a6000 Selection #2 taken on Sony a6000 ...